
In Python, context managers allow to efficiently manage resources by letting users set rules on what to do with those resources when working with them. Creating context managers from scratch, though, might get a little tedious since __enter__() and __exit__() methods have to be defined, as well as boilerplate code to deal with exceptions.

To simplify this, out-of-the-box context managers can be created using contextlib’s contextmanager module — it allows to write context managers in just a few lines.

Note: This is not a tutorial on context managers in general, but about their usage with Python’s built-in contextlib. Please see the last section for additional resources.

1. Creating a Context Manager with “contextlib” #

To create a context manager, the first step is to import the contextmanager module from contextlib. This module is a decorator used to define factory functions for with-statement context managers.1

from contextlib import contextmanager

The syntax to create a context manager is fairly simple. See the following example right from the Python docs:

def managed_resource(*args, **kwds):
    # Code to acquire resource, e.g.:
    resource = acquire_resource(*args, **kwds)
        yield resource
        # Code to release resource, e.g.:

After declaring the @contextmanager decorator, a generator — a regular function with a yield statement (instead of return) — is defined. This context manager can now be called in a with statement, whose syntax is as follows:2

with_stmt ::=  "with" with_item ("," with_item)* ":" suite
with_item ::=  expression ["as" target]

And applied to the previous example of a context manager:

with managed_resource(*args, **kwds) as resource:

The block below the with clause is called the suite, or (colloquially) with-statement body. When a with statement is executed, the following takes place:

  1. The context expression — both decorator and generator — are evaluated and a context manager is obtained and loaded
  2. Everything up to (and including) the yield statement is executed
  3. If a target was included, the yielded object will be assigned to it
  4. The with-statement body is executed
  5. Everything after the yield statement is executed

Note that the object generated at yield — a single-value generator-iterator — will be assigned to target (if defined) and will be accessible from the scope from which the with statement was executed. Likewise, anything declared inside the with-statement body will also be accessible in the same scope. More on this, later on.

2. A Very Simple Context Manager #

First, let’s create a very simple context manager — one that only appends a tag before and a tag after the yielded object using print().

def tagger(text):
    print(f"Top tagger: {text}")
    print(f"Bottom tagger: {text}")

Once created, our context manager tagger is used in a with statement. In this case, the with-statement body will only consist of a print function:

with tagger("hello"):
Top tagger: hello
Bottom tagger: hello

When executed altogether, the tags are printed before and after the print function, which is what was expected.

3. The “as” Clause #

What happens, though, when an as clause and a target are added to the with clause? The as keyword, in this context, is meant to assign the object — or objects — “yielded” by the context manager to a variable named after target.

In the context manager, yield indicates when the generated object will be passed to the caller — the with statement — and assigned to the target. After this, the with-statement body is executed. Note that if no object is stated in the yield statement, None will be yielded. This is shown below:

with tagger('hello again!') as mytag:
Top tagger: hello again!
Bottom tagger: hello again!

Let’s explore a little further what yield does. Below is a second example of taggertagger_2, but now with a string object being yielded:

def tagger_2(text):
    print(f"Top tagger_2: {text}")
    yield text + ' — I am being yielded!'
    print(f"Bottom tagger_2: {text}")

The as clause will be used to assign the yielded object to tagged, which will then be called in the with-statement body by a print function:

with tagger_2("hey!") as tagged:
Top tagger_2: hey!
hey! — I am being yielded!
Bottom tagger_2: hey!

Note that if the as clause is not used to assign the yielded object to target, then it will not be possible to use such object within the with-statement body or later on. Also, note how the tags are placed at the top and bottom of the output; inside them, the with-statement body is executed as is.

4. When are Objects Yielded? #

When working with generators — and, consequently, with context managers — it is important to know when yielded objects are actually yielded. As previously stated, when a with statement is executed, the context manager is loaded and everything until (and including) the yield statement is executed. At this point, control is given back to the caller, such that the with-statement body can be executed. Look at the following example:

def tagger(text):
    print(f"Top tagger: {text}")
    yield 123, "I am a string", print("I have been generated")
    print(f"Bottom tagger: {text}")

with tagger("hello") as tagged:
Top tagger: hello
I have been generated
(123, 'I am a string', None)
Bottom tagger: hello

When the with statement was run, the following can be observed:

  1. Top tag appears first (block before yield statement)
  2. Objects in yield statement are executed and generated (i.e. “yielded”)
  3. The with-statement body is executed — first print("foo"), then print(tagged)
  4. Bottom tag appears last.

This means that whatever computation is executed up to (and including) the yield statement will be done before the with-statement body has even started — this is equivalent to successfully running the __enter__() method in the full implementation of a context manager.

Finally, note that tagged holds a tuple with all the elements that were generated by the context manager. Particularly, the third item is None, which is what print returns after being successfully executed.

5. Variable Scope #

One characteristic of with statements is that objects assigned in the with statement are placed in the same scope where the statement was executed. In other words, objects generated by the context manager and assigned to target, and objects assigned or declared in the with-statement body will be accessible from the same scope — e.g. for all previous examples, the global scope.

Let’s try this out. If a with statement is run from the global scope, then its variables will be accessible when called from the same scope:

with tagger("hey!") as tagged:
    var = "I am var"
Top tagger: hey!
I have been generated
Bottom tagger: hey!
(123, 'I am a string', None)
I am var

If the same with statement is now run from a function, then its variables will only be accessible from the scope of that function:

def f(text):
    with tagger(text) as tagged_local:
        var_local = "I am local var"
Top tagger: hello
I have been generated
Bottom tagger: hello
(123, 'I am a string', None)
I am local var

If those same variables are called from the global scope, a NameError exception will be thrown stating that those variables are not defined — they do not exist in this scope.

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-7-48f00078c951> in <module>
----> 1 print(tagged_local)
      2 print(var_local)

NameError: name 'tagged_local' is not defined

Note: There are resources that, once opened, require closing — e.g. files, database connections, etc. Handling these resources with context managers is extremely useful because closing procedures can be guaranteed whether the with-statement body was successfully executed or not. As you might expect, these resources are opened when yielded and closed when the with-statement body is exited. However, after exiting the context manager, while the resource will still be assigned to the target, it will no longer be accessible — e.g. you will not be able to read or write that file anymore, or run a query against that database. See this example about opening files with a context manager.

6. Equivalence to a Full Implementation #

If you are familiar with the context manager implementation for with statements (the full implementation), you know that a class with __enter__() and __exit__() methods needs to be defined3. In this implementation, the __enter__() method provides the context for entering the resource and returns it after its successful execution — such that it becomes available for the with-statement body, if needed —, while the __exit__() method provides the context for exiting the resource and is in charge of handling exceptions that occur in the with-statement body.

However, these equivalences go a little further and become more blurry as you dig deeper, specially around exception handling. The table below shows these equivalences, from a high-level perspective, and where the equivalences become less clear:

Full implementationImplementation using contextmanager
Has a class with __enter__() and __exit__() methods definedHas a generator function under the contextmanager decorator
__init__() method needs to be defined if arguments are to be passed into the context managerArguments can be simply defined in generator function at definition
__enter__() method defines context to enter resourceEverything up to (and including) yield statement defines context to enter resource
__exit__() method defines context to exit resourceEverything after yield statement defines context to exit resource
Exceptions in with-statement body are handled by __exit__() method. If it returns True, exception is handled, if False, exception is re-raisedExceptions in with-statement body are handled by try..except..finally block inside generator function (i.e. inside the context manager)
Exceptions in __enter__() method are not handled by __exit__() methodExceptions in everything up to (and including) yield statement are handled by try..except..finally block inside generator function (i.e. inside the context manager)
__exit__() method is only called if __enter__() method is successfully executed, regardless of what happens with the with-statement bodyDepends on try..except..finally block implementation

As you might see, it is quite clear where the line draws if no exceptions were ever to happen. But this is not realistic — exceptions happen —, and knowing how and when to handle those exception is of vital importance. In the following section, a set of cases of exception handling are presented to try to understand the role of a try..except..finally block when handling exceptions.

7. Handling Exceptions #

As explained in the previous section, handling exceptions works differently on context managers implemented with contextlib. In the following subsections, implementations of try..except..finally aim to demonstrate the way exceptions are handled with this implementation.

7.1 Handling exceptions in with-statament body #

In the (full) implementation of a context manager for with statements, if an exception occurs in the with-statement body, the __exit__() method will be called immediately. If the method returns True, the exception will be handled and the context manager exited. If it returns False, the exception will be re-raised.4

While the code after yield is equivalent to that of the __exit__() method, it will not only be executed if a try..finally block has not been implemented for any exceptions thrown by the with-statement body.

Let’s look at this with an example. Suppose the next context manager is meant to do divisions of a numerator and denominator — both provided by the user —, and if successful, add the division result to a log.

from contextlib import contextmanager

log = []

def division(num, denom):
        print(f"Starting: num={num}, denom={denom}")
        yield num / denom
    except Exception:
        print("Exception caught!")

with division(20, 5) as div:
    print('Starting with-statement body')
    raise Exception("Exception in with-statement body.")
    print("Log updated!")
Starting: num=20, denom=5
Starting with-statement body
Exception caught!

Above, the try statement is fully executed (this is the equivalent of __enter__()), the with-statement body is executed and interrupted when the exception is raised, and finally the except and finally statements are called. If we inspect log, we will find its value is [4.0]— the appending occured before the exception was raised. This example is the equivalent of a fully implemented context manager with an __exit__() that returns True.

If an except statement is not implemented, the exception would be raised. This, in contrast, would be the equivalent of a fully implemented context manager with an __exit__() that returns False.

7.2 Handling exceptions in the context manager #

What happens if an exception is thrown in the context manager itself — that is, in the block of code in the try statement?

Let’s reuse the previous example and use 0 as the denominator to get a ZeroDivisionError:

with division(20, 0) as div:
    print('Starting with-statement body')
    raise Exception("Exception in with-statement body.")
    print("Log updated!")
Starting: num=20, denom=0
Exception caught!
RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-16-cf7a8f2b5b3e> in <module>
----> 1 with division(20, 0) as div:
      2     print('Starting with-statement body')
      3     log.append(div)
      4     raise Exception("Exception in with-statement body.")
      5     print("Log updated!")

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/ in __enter__(self)
    112             return next(self.gen)
    113         except StopIteration:
--> 114             raise RuntimeError("generator didn't yield") from None
    116     def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):

RuntimeError: generator didn't yield

As shown above, the first thing to notice is that, because the exception happened in the context manager (i.e. generator), the with-statement block is not executed. The second one, while weird, is that the exception thrown is a RuntimeError. So where is the ZeroDivisionError? Well, what happens here has to do with the fact that a try..except..finally block was implemented in the context manager — because try was interrupted by the ZeroDivisionError, the finally statement was called, thus never really yielding anything. This is what this exception is reporting, a generator that could not return next(self.gen).

So, are all exceptions in this section going to raise a RuntimeError? And, what to do to actually retrieve the correct exception to later be able to debug? Well, everything that keeps the generator from yielding will lead to the same RuntimeError.

To get the “actual” exception instead of a RuntimeError, it is necessary to catch the latter. However, this will only work as long as the “actual” exception is not an actual RuntimeError. Let’s take a look at this.

log = []

def division(num, denom):
        print(f"Starting: num={num}, denom={denom}")
        yield num / denom
    except RuntimeError:
        print("RuntimeError caught")

with division(20, 0) as div:
    print('Starting with-statement body')
    raise Exception("Exception in with-statement body.")
    print("Log updated!")
Starting: num=20, denom=0
ZeroDivisionError                         Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-22-f522d955669c> in <module>
     15         print("Completed")
---> 17 with division(20, 0) as div:
     18     print('Starting with-statement body')
     19     log.append(div)

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/ in __enter__(self)
    110         del self.args, self.kwds, self.func
    111         try:
--> 112             return next(self.gen)
    113         except StopIteration:
    114             raise RuntimeError("generator didn't yield") from None

<ipython-input-22-f522d955669c> in division(num, denom)
      9 #         if denom < 1:
     10 #             raise ZeroDivisionError("'denom' must be >=1")
---> 11         yield num / denom
     12     except RuntimeError:
     13         print("Runtime Error caught")

ZeroDivisionError: division by zero

Just to make a case, if a RuntimeError exception really happens, then the generator we will be back at the previous case:

def division(num, denom):
        print(f"Starting: num={num}, denom={denom}")
        raise RuntimeError('Just to make a case')
        yield num / denom
    except RuntimeError:
        print("RuntimeError caught")

with division(20, 0) as div:
    print('Starting with-statement body')
    raise Exception("Exception in with-statement body.")
    print("Log updated!")
Starting: num=20, denom=0
RuntimeError caught
RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-25-8f8a9d2ed9e6> in <module>
     14         print("Completed")
---> 16 with division(20, 0) as div:
     17     print('Starting with-statement body')
     18     log.append(div)

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/ in __enter__(self)
    112             return next(self.gen)
    113         except StopIteration:
--> 114             raise RuntimeError("generator didn't yield") from None
    116     def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):

RuntimeError: generator didn't yield

7.3 Summary #

In this subsection, a table with the summary of the previous cases is presented.

If a context manager with a try..except..finally block is implemented, the following can be said about how exceptions are being handled:

try block implementationWhere exception happensIs Exception raised?Equivalent to…
try..finallyWith-statement bodyYesException in with-statement body and __exit__() that returns False
try..except..finally catching Exception (base class)With-statement bodyNoException in with-statement body and __exit__() that returns True
try..except..finally catching Exception (base class)Context managerYes, but RuntimeError for any caseException in __enter__()
try..except..finally catching RuntimeErrorContext managerYes, “actual” exception raised unless it’s a RuntimeErrorException in __enter__()

8. Using the Context Decorator #

The ContextDecorator module provides an out-of-the-box base class to develop your own context managers — it is even used by contextmanager for its own implementation. One of the “advantages” of using it is that you still need to go through the steps of a full implementation; and I quote that because what’s the point of going through the full implementation if the overall idea is to simplify things? Well, in my experience this depends on how you want to handle those exceptions — if you are well acquainted with the code, then go for contextmanager, if you are not sure if exceptions can happen in either in the with-statement body or in the context manager itself, then use ContextDecorator.

To show how this can be useful, I will reimplement the previous example and show how I can get the ZeroDivisionError without working around exceptions:

from contextlib import ContextDecorator

log = []

class division(ContextDecorator):
    def __init__(self, num, denom):
        self.num = num
        self.denom = denom
    def __enter__(self):
        print(f"Starting: num={self.num}, denom={self.denom}")
        return self.num / self.denom

    def __exit__(self, *exc):
        print('__exit__ block called!')
        if exc[0] is not None:
            print(f"Exception of type {exc[0]} caught: {exc[1]}")
        return True

with division(20, 0) as div:
    print('Starting with-statement body')
    raise Exception("Exception in with-statement body.")
    print("Log updated!")
Starting: num=20, denom=0
ZeroDivisionError                         Traceback (most recent call last)
[<-- Clipped -->]

ZeroDivisionError: division by zero

As seen above, the ZeroDivisionError not only raises but also the __exit__() block is not called — just as one would expect from a full implementation. To finish rounding this idea, let’s raise an exception from the with-statement body:

with division(20, 5) as div:
    print('Starting with-statement body')
    raise Exception("Exception in with-statement body.")
    print("Log updated!")
Starting: num=20, denom=5
Starting with-statement body
__exit__ block called!
Exception of type <class 'Exception'> caught: Exception in with-statement body.

In this example, the __exit__() method is called and the exception is successfully handled (because of the return True). As shown in this section, a full implementation using ContextDecorator allows a more granular control over exception handling than what contextmanager does.

Two final notes on ContextDecorator:

  • The context manager division can now be used as a decorator to manage a resource for the function it decorates:
def log(): print("logging")
Starting: num=20, denom=5
__exit__ block called!
  • However, whatever value is returned (i.e. yielded) by the context manager cannot be assigned to a target, since this syntax does not allow the use of an as clause, and therefore cannot be retrieved in the decorated function.

Note: ContextDecorator is not needed to fully implement a context manager. It only gives you the ability of using that context manager as a decorator for functions you may want to define later on. The example above would have worked perfectly without inheriting from the ContextDecorator class.

9. Suppressing Specific Exceptions #

There are times where a specific set of exceptions that you know beforehand could happen need to be suppressed. For such situations, a great tool to use is contextlib.suppress(*exceptions) — it returns a context manager that will suppress any exceptions passed in as arguments that happen in the with-statement body.

Look at this example:

from contextlib import suppress

with suppress(FileNotFoundError):

Two things to be aware of when using this module are:

  • If an exception that was passed in as an argument is thrown at any point in the with-statement body, then the exception will not be raised but execution will resume after the with-statement body. In the example above, if non_existent_file.tmp is not found, then print("hello") will not be executed — execution will resume after the with statement
  • This module should only be used to catch very specific exceptions, since they will be passed on silently. In other words, if you expect a given type of exception to happen and you deem it as non important to the execution of the code, then you can use this module. Never use it to catch something like a base class Exception.

10. Conclusion #

As seen in this small tutorial, using contextlib's contextmanager decorator for implementing context managers is fast and easy. However, dealing with exceptions can get a little tricky when it comes to exception handling — this type of implementation should only be used when you are very well aware of the type of exceptions that both the context to enter the resource and the with-statement body can throw during runtime, such that you can create an adequate try..except..finally block to catch exceptions properly.

In case you are not sure of those exceptions, implementing a context manager from scratch is not a bad idea, and using ContextDecorator is good since it even gives you the ability of using it as a decorator for several functions you may want to define.

Finally, supressing a set of known exceptions can be performed with the suppress module, as long as making those exceptions silent do not affect your application or debugging.

11. Acknowledgements #

  1. ↩︎

  2. ↩︎

  3. ↩︎

  4. ↩︎