
In Numpy, the r_ and c_ class objects are utilities that allow users to concatenate objects using slice notation. Specifically, c_ is just a shortcut for a particular syntax of r_, as will be explained later on.

1. The Syntax #

The syntax of r_ is as follows:

import numpy as np

np.r_[<string>: str, <index expression>: Union[np.ndarray, int, float] [, Union[np.ndarray, int, float]]]

Where <string> is a str object that consists of up to three comma-separated integers that describe how the concatenation will take place. A str object of the form 'x,y,z' can be interpreted as:

  • x: the axis on which concatenation will take place. 0 means axis=0 — the first axis—, 1 means axis=1, and so on. -1 stands for the last available axis.
  • y: the minimum number of dimensions to force each entry into. That is, all to-be-concatenated objects will be upgraded to be y-dimensional.
  • z: is only used when arrays with less than y dimensions are provided. In such case, z determines how the array will be upgraded to be y-dimensional. For instance, if you provide a 1-dimensional array with N values — i.e. shape (N,) —, and if y=2 — thus enforcing two dimensions —, then z=0 will place the 1s in the upgraded shape after N — the new array will be of shape (N,1). z=-1 indicates the opposite — the resulting upgraded array will be of shape (1,N).

Practical explanation of the above will be presented later on.

The <index expression> can be one or several Numpy arrays or scalars. Note that lists and nested lists of scalars are also accepted; however, note that lists and nested lists with more than one item will be interpreted as arrays. This will be shown later on as well.

As previously stated, c_ is just a shorcut expression for:

np.r_['-1,2,0', <index expression>: Union[np.ndarray, int, float] [, Union[np.ndarray, int, float]]]

Therefore, the syntax of c_ is just:

np.c_[<index expression>: Union[np.ndarray, int, float] [, Union[np.ndarray, int, float]]]

2. Default Concatenation #

Suppose we have two 2-dimensional arrays of shape (3,5) — 3 rows, 5 columns:

a, b = np.random.randint(100, size=(3,5)), np.random.randint(100, size=(3,5))
print(a, b, sep="\n")
[[78  1 15 10 91]
    [59 98 62 41 72]
    [65 82 69 39 82]]
[[10 77 75 37 33]
    [ 1 62 69 20 13]
    [10 32  0 89 20]]

r_ can be used to concatenate on the first axis — axis 0; to stack vertically:

np.r_[a, b]
array([[78,  1, 15, 10, 91],
        [59, 98, 62, 41, 72],
        [65, 82, 69, 39, 82],
        [10, 77, 75, 37, 33],
        [ 1, 62, 69, 20, 13],
        [10, 32,  0, 89, 20]])

And c_ can be used to concatenate on the second axis — axis 1; to stack horizontally —:

np.c_[a, b]
array([[78,  1, 15, 10, 91, 10, 77, 75, 37, 33],
        [59, 98, 62, 41, 72,  1, 62, 69, 20, 13],
        [65, 82, 69, 39, 82, 10, 32,  0, 89, 20]])

Until here, both r_ and c_ can be used as a convenience instead of the well known np.concatenate function.

3. Modifying the String Parameters #

Because the explanation for the <string> object is a bit confusing, let’s start with an example to show what it does. Below, r_ is used to concatenate two arrays of shape (3,).

np.r_[np.array([1,2,3]), np.array([4,5,6])]
array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])

As you may have noted above, <string> is optional because its default value — when not specified — is '0,1,-1' for r_ and '-1,2,0' for c_. Let’s run again the example above with r_'s default string:

np.r_['0,1,-1', np.array([1,2,3]), np.array([4,5,6])]
array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])

As you can see, it returns the same array, which in both cases is of shape (1,N) — 1 row, N values.

Let’s now modify the string to understand what it actually does. Below, r_ is used again to concatenate two arrays of shape (3,), but this time the string will be '-1,2,0'. This string will do the following:

  • -1: stack objects on the last axis — i.e. columns for 2-dimensional arrays; stack vertically
  • 2: force each object to have two dimensions minimum — this forces 1-dimensional arrays to have at least two dimensions
  • 0: Upgrades 1-dimensional arrays to 2-dimensional ones, by placing the 1s of its new shape at the end of the shape tuple. In our case, a (3,) array shape will become a (3,1) array shape.
np.r_['-1,2,0', np.array([1,2,3]), np.array([4,5,6])]
array([[1, 4],
        [2, 5],
        [3, 6]])

Above, each array is upgraded to a (3,1) shape — for instance, array([1,2,3]) upgrades into array([[1],[2],[3]]); 3 rows, 1 column. After this reshaping is performed on both arrays, they are then concatenated on the last available axis, the second axis. Thus, [1] merges with [4], and so on.

If the last value, z, is changed from 0 to -1, then 1s will fill in in the new shape at the beginning of the shape tuple. For instance, a (3,) shape will be transformed into a (1,3) — 1 row, 3 columns. In this case, all elements will be concatenated in a single sequence:

np.r_['-1,2,-1', np.array([1,2,3]), np.array([4,5,6])]
array([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]])

When the objects in the index expression are already 2-dimensional arrays with shape (1,3), then the second comma-separated value, y=2 becomes redundant and the last value, z=-1 is disregarded. This is shown below: two (1,3)-shaped arrays are provided for different z values:

np.r_['-1,2,0', np.array([[1,2,3]]), np.array([[4,5,6]])]
array([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]])
np.r_['-1,2,99', np.array([[1,2,3]]), np.array([[4,5,6]])]
array([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]])

4. Reshaping as Well #

The '-1,2,0 is a frequently used routine when concatenating arrays. As stated at the beginning, because of this, the np.c_ class is a shortcut equivalent to np.r_['-1,2,0', index expression]. This particular expression can be very useful to transform one-dimensional arrays to column vectors:

future_vector = np.arange(10)
array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])

Which, as previously explained, is equivalent to using:

np.r_['-1,2,0', future_vector]

5. Not Only Arrays #

.r_ and .c_ can be used to concatenate more than just arrays — they can be used to concatenate lists or individual scalars too. See the following example:

np.c_[np.array([[1,2,3]]), [[10]], 100, [1000], np.array([[4,5]]), np.array([[7,8]])]
array([[   1,    2,    3,   10,  100, 1000,    4,    5,    7,    8]])

Above, c_ was used to concatenate both arrays, scalars, lists and nested lists. Note, however, how the following example fails:

np.c_[np.array([[1,2,3]]), [[10]], 100, [1000], np.array([[4,5]]), np.array([7,8])]

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)

<ipython-input-15-4a609585e2dd> in <module>
----> 1 np.c_[np.array([[1,2,3]]), [[10]], 100, [1000], np.array([[4,5]]), np.array([7,8])]

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/numpy/lib/ in __getitem__(self, key)
    404                 objs[k] = objs[k].astype(final_dtype)
--> 406         res = self.concatenate(tuple(objs), axis=axis)
    408         if matrix:

<__array_function__ internals> in concatenate(*args, **kwargs)

ValueError: all the input array dimensions for the concatenation axis must match exactly, but along dimension 0, the array at index 0 has size 1 and the array at index 5 has size 2

It fails because np.array([7,8]) is an array of shape (2,). This array, under the default string ,-1,2,0, is transformed into an array of shape (2,1). However, the remaining arrays are of shape (1,N) — only 1 row and N columns. Hence, the error message: array at index 5 has size 2; for this to work, all the input array dimensions for the concatenation axis must match exactly. In other words, all arrays need to be of shape (1,N).

One last thing to note here is how single-item lists, and single-item nested lists, are interpreted as plain scalars. If more than one item is provided per list, then they are interpreted as if they were arrays. See the following examples.

np.c_[np.array([[1,2,3]]), [[10, 20]], 100, [1000, 1020], np.array([[4,5]]), np.array([[7,8]])]

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)

<ipython-input-16-cd20602a7251> in <module>
----> 1 np.c_[np.array([[1,2,3]]), [[10, 20]], 100, [1000, 1020], np.array([[4,5]]), np.array([[7,8]])]

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/numpy/lib/ in __getitem__(self, key)
    404                 objs[k] = objs[k].astype(final_dtype)
--> 406         res = self.concatenate(tuple(objs), axis=axis)
    408         if matrix:

<__array_function__ internals> in concatenate(*args, **kwargs)

ValueError: all the input array dimensions for the concatenation axis must match exactly, but along dimension 0, the array at index 0 has size 1 and the array at index 3 has size 2

In the example above, all arrays are now of shape (1,N), but as the error message suggests, the array at index 3 has size 2 in its first dimension — the [1000, 1020] item is interpreted as one of shape (2,). Even if you try making this a (2,1) shape (e.g. [[1000], [1020]]), it will still fail. If you make this a (1,2)-shape array, then this will work:

np.c_[np.array([[1,2,3]]), [[10, 20]], 100, [[1000, 1020]], np.array([[4,5]]), np.array([[7,8]])]
array([[   1,    2,    3,   10,   20,  100, 1000, 1020,    4,    5,    7,

6. Performance #

When talking about performance of these classes, it is interesting what they deliver when concatenating and when reshaping. In concatenating, r_ and c_ are slightly faster than using Numpy’s concatenate function. When reshaping, Numpy’s reshape is significantly faster than using either class.

This is a performance measure for concatenating two (1000,1000)-shaped arrays:

size = (1_000, 1_000)
a_big, b_big = np.random.randint(100, size=size), np.random.randint(100, size=size)
np.concatenate((a_big, b_big), axis = 0)
4.27 ms ± 193 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
np.r_[a_big, b_big]
3.89 ms ± 37.1 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

As seen above, r_ performs slightly faster.

Below is a performance measure for reshaping a 1-dimensional array into a column vector:

future_vector_big = np.arange(1_000_000)
np.reshape(future_vector_big, (-1,1))
1.97 µs ± 430 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000000 loops each)
2.15 ms ± 85.8 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

As shown above, c_ performs 1,000 times slower than using reshape.

I hope this post was of some help — I made it because I spent quite some time understanding how to use these two classes — r_ and c_ — and when they are actually handy to use.

Please let me know your thoughts in the comments!

7. Acknowledgements #